Hey guys, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!! I just wanted share with you all of the past dresses I've made!!
This was the very first dress I made. I actually saw this pink Skater ice cream sandwich dress on Etsy and it was almost 80 dollars and I didn't have 80 dollars to spend, but I wanted it so bad!!! So I decided that I was going to make my very own ice cream sandwich dress instead as my first project. I found this ice cream fabric online they had it in a mint color and pink and I decided to get the pink! I loved the way the fabric kind of reminded me of the really cute retro 50's pastel kitchen colors I've seen before. I just really love how unique and different this fabric was and when I saw it that I fell in love with it!

I haven't mentioned yet that I love skull print! I found this online also along with ice cream fabric. I loved how the skull pattern looked really edgy to me even though it was in a pastel pink, I always see a white skull print with black fabric but I thought this looked so cool and it was something I had never really seen before so I thought it would make a really bad ass dress!!!
The pancake dress! After making the ice cream sandwich dress I wanted to see if I could find more food related fabrics, I saw so many they had bacon, curly fries, baked potatoes, cookies and more you name it they had it all!! But as soon as saw the this pancake fabric I loved it!! I really love the 50's vintage halter dresses I had seen before so I decided to make it into a halter dress! I had this left over polka dot fabric I was going to make into a dress but I thought it would be really cute to line the bust with it and make a tie up belt in the back to give it more of a vintage 50's look!

I wanted to make this more of an evening dress, I wanted to make an off the shoulder dress with a sweetheart neckline kind of like a mini princess gown I've seen in many different fairy tales pictures and movies I watch as a kid. I found the fabric, tulle and lining at a local store here called Golden D'or They have an amazing selection! The fabric is a sheer black fabric with silver floral prints, the lining is burgundy with plum color tulle underneath. I put all these colors together myself and I thought all these color together would be really pretty being made into dress. Looking more at the dress the colors of the it remind me of the holidays!
My pink cupcake dress!!! I always loved the big giant poofy 50's prom dresses, I always wanted one these dresses when I was younger so that I could wear these old black converse I had with a huge poofy dress like similar to Hilary Duff's dress in a Cinderella Story :
I don't know if anyone remembers this movie but I loved it when I was younger! But anyways, I really wanted to make my own version of this dress so I decided to make it pink! I added dark pink, light pink, light blue, peach and purple underneath the skirt so that it would have a rainbow effect! the whole dress is made out of tulle, I bought all the tulle and lining from the local fabric store here called Golden D'or!