Hey guys!!! Its been awhile since I've updated and I just want to talk about relearning to walk with prosthetic legs! I stood up in my prosthetic's for the first time in my apartment which was an amazing feeling!! I have been really trying to encourage myself!! I started walking on my prosthetic's back in 2013, but in 2012 I had to have both my legs amputated again above the knee because my knees were contracted, I would not be able to walk unless they were amputated which was so frustrating because I had to go through another painful surgery plus the healing all over again. The doctors told me it would take more energy and it was going to be tough but I knew I could do it regardless. But truthfully I have been having a up hill battle with myself to walk on them. I have had many times where I would just stop and not do it for months because I was just so tired emotionally and physically and I still feel like that from time to time. I have a habit of comparing myself to others which I'm sure other people do to, but I will watch these videos where others like me are walking on their prosthesis and wonder, " I should be where they are right now." and "why is it taking me so long?"
Sometimes you can be your own worst critic, it took me a while to realize that I needed to stop comparing myself to others which I still have to remind myself. People seem to always try to tell you where you should be at in your life and telling you how you should feel about whatever situation you might be in or whatever your dealing with and at the end of the day it only matters about what you feel and what you think about yourself. Alot of times I have to remember to give myself a pat on back and know that what I'm doing in my life is whats right for me and their is no exact way to do things in your life and it takes times. I really wanted to share this with you guys because its something I'm still struggling with and that I have doubts and fears about but to let everyone know that you have to take it one day at a time. I will still be updating you guys about whats going on with walking on my prosthesis!